Empty office day

On October 21, the traditional Day of Empty Classrooms was held at Payu School. Pupils in grades 1-5 studied "Autumn on the coast of the Baltic Sea." They went to Narva-Jõesuu. The oldest children completed tasks in cartography and learned to navigate on the map. And the students of the 6th grade went to Sinnimäe altogether. Interesting tasks and good weather made this school day memorable!

Fairy Ball at Paju School

On October 19, a traditional city ball for pupils of 4-6 grades was held at the Payu school. This year it was dedicated to the anniversary of Charles Perrault. After a two-year break, students from six schools of the city gathered in our hall. How wonderful it is to once again plunge into the atmosphere of old balls, remember ballroom etiquette, learn old dances and ballroom games. Fairy fairy and her helpers made this holiday especially bright and interesting!

Teacher's Day

On October 5, according to tradition, the Dela Paju Council of the school met the teachers at the entrance to the school. This year, the students decided to make gifts in the form of origami butterflies to the teachers. So, with the gifts created by the hands of the members of the student self-government, Teacher's Day began at the Paju school.
