Vastlapäev-Shrovetide at Paju school.

On February 23, the oil week ended at the Paju school. On Tuesday, the guys met Vastlapäev - in the dining room that day they were treated to pea soup and delicious buns - vastlakukkel. And on Thursday for pupils of 1-5 grades there was a big holiday "Vastlapäev-Maslenitsa". The guys once again remembered folk traditions, did creative work and, of course, had fun. Active games on the street were held for them by eighth grade students - members of the School Council of the Cause. And at the end, everyone went to the dining room to eat pancakes!

Congratulations on your victory!

On February 2, 2023, the VIII Republican competition in Russian language and literature for grades 5-8 was held on the topic: “What did our grandparents and parents read when they were children?” This year, 268 students took part in the competition, including 66 eighth graders.
Participants had to complete 66 tasks based on V. Krapivin's story "The side where the wind is." Our school was represented by 8a grade students Alisa Kayava and Alevtina Baranova. Out of 100 points, they received 83 points each.

Valentine's Day at Paju School

By February 14, the walls and doors of the classrooms in Pai School were decorated with beautiful "heart" compositions, and an exhibition of original valentines opened in the Assembly Hall. The most active and creative participants of this creative competition received diplomas.
But most of all our “cupids” from the Council of the Cause worked that day. The guys accepted postal valentines and delivered them to the recipients during the breaks. This year, a postal record was set - everyone wanted to congratulate their friends on the holiday!
