Christmas Eve

On December 7, the traditional Christmas market and a charity concert took place in Payu School.
This year, the School Board of Affairs, when choosing whom we help, was divided almost in half. So this year we had two piggy banks!
First, we joined the action of the Narva Youth Center and raised funds for the children's department of the Narva hospital.

Kadripäev at Paju school

November 25 at Payu school in the morning was fun! Cadres walked around the school, congratulated teachers and students on the holiday, sang songs and willingly accepted treats. Then a holiday was held in the Assembly Hall! We made masks and tested our knowledge in a quiz, we learned a lot of interesting things and were able to create bright creative works. We also danced and found out what songs they sang that day in the old days in Estonia.

Ecological "marathon"

This is the end of the amazing environmental marathon, which took place in Pai school as part of a project supported by the Environmental Investment Center (KIK). From November 14 to 21, 9 exciting master classes were held at the school, which were prepared and conducted by the head of the Center for Applied Ecology, Marina Jansen.
Every day our children learn something new. Primary school students learned how to make paints from natural ingredients, and then not only tried to paint different materials with them, but also created their own paintings.
