Traditions through the centuries

On November 24, the 6th city student conference of creative works was held in Narva Laste Loomemaja, organized by the Department of Culture of Narva.
The Payu school team also performed with honor at this event: Ksenia Gukova, Polina Glavatskaya, Ekaterina Zaretskaya, Elena Chasovskikh. They not only presented the costumes that in the old days girls wore for the New Year's Eve holiday, but also talked about the history and traditions of this holiday. We thank Irina Vladimirovna Alekseeva for the excellent preparation of the team!

Charity concert and Christmas market

Every year, the school's Dela Paju Student Council determines who will receive funds during the Charity Concert. This year there were a lot of ideas and it was difficult for the guys to decide. Then the idea arose to hold a school-wide vote. On November 21, teachers, students, and technical staff took part in the voting. As a result, out of four proposed ideas, the idea that won was to join the Narva Youth Center’s action and help the Päite loomapark zoo.
On December 6, the Paju school will host a traditional Christmas fair and a charity concert.

Congratulations on your victory!

On November 16, the city’s “Big Biology Games” took place for students in grades 8-9. Congratulations to the Pai school team, which took 1st place in this competition!
Our students answered all the questions and completed all the assignments! Well done!
Our team: Ksenia Gukova, Polina Glavatskaya, Alevtina Baranova, Alisa Kayava, Daniel Frolov, Albert Marchishin.
Varvashevich Andrey Viktorovich and Turaikevich Elena Nikolaevna, thank you for the excellent preparation of the team!
